Whether building a product from scratch or doing a simple redesign, it's important that our development work happens in the background.
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Time tracking. When some people hear those words they cringe. For creatives, it can conjure visions of punching clocks, sitting in cubicles, and working for "the man".
Read more...There is nothing worse than getting a panicked call from a client telling you their WordPress site has been hacked.
Read more...Here's a common scenario. You work at a mid to large size company. You're the lead on a team that's tasked with hiring a design and development partner to work on your new website and application.
Read more...I've been using my new iPhone 6 Plus for about two weeks now. I've had a lot of people asking me about it, so I figured I’d write out a review.
Read more...Let's face it, nowadays your business has to have a web presence if it wants to stay relevant and competitive.
Read more...The team and I have been working on a little web app that centers around GitHub issue creation. We're calling it Gitdone and it allows you to quickly create issues while you're in a meeting or doing QA.
Read more...Last night I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak at the Atlanta Web Design Group's panel on "How to Make it as a Web Professional".
Read more...Occasionally I get the feeling that conference calls negatively impact my day-to-day productivity.
Read more...When 45royale first started, there's no question we had a few bad habits. And wireframing was something we never did.
Read more...Congrats, you've reached the end of our five part web design process series! If you landed here without going through the whole series, we recommend getting started at the beginning of the web design process.
Read more...In the fourth installment of our web design process series, we'll talk about the importance of time tracking during the project.
Read more...In the third part of our web design process series, we'll cover setting up and maintaining a solid project schedule.
Read more...In the first installment of our web design process series, we talked about how to get web design clients.
Read more...We're leading off our five part web design process series by answering a question we get asked a lot: "How do I get web design clients?".